Monday, March 1, 2010

Free IMVU credits, avatar name, name change token, and more!

MetaRL ( is a site that will give you FREE Imvu credits, name change tokens, avatar names, and even more! It can give you Gaia stuff, Second Life stuff, IMVU stuff, and so much more! All you have to do is sign up, play some games, do FREE surveys, earn MetaPoints, and then get your prize! Let me explain how easy it is to get FREE IMVU credits:

  1. First, you will need to go to and register. You can only have ONE account per ip/household.
  2. Now you will need to complete some surveys. Surveys are like quizzes, they will ask you questions and maybe some personal information (create a junk e-mail, it'll help!), and then you complete it to gain MetaPoints (for your prizes!)!
  3. You can also play games to earn MetaPoints. You can participate in the lottery (1k metapoint fee) which is based on REAL lottery numbers, or grab some money from the Money Tree! If you're a really lucky guy, why not try out some of the luck or chance-based games, like rock-paper-scissors?
  4. And now, a classic: referrals! You can have people sign up at YOUR referral link (like mine, which is and for everyone who signs up, you will get 5 MetaPoints, and FIFTY (50) MetaPoints when they request their first payment. You also receive 30% bonus from their actions (completing surveys etc) and 10% bonus from THEIR referrals' actions! Win-win for all of us, really.
  5. You can get all kinds of prizes from IMVU credits, to name change tokens, to Gaia monthly collectibles, to DeviantArt premium months, to Club Penguin cards, to RuneScape cards, to NEXON cards, to OutSpark cards, to Zwinky cards, to headsets, to WoW time cards, to iPod shuffles, to CONSOLES (Playstation 3, xBox, etc), to so much more! You can also request things if they don't have them, so you aren't purely limited to what they have!
  6. You can also complete tasks. Tasks are like surveys, except you have to do something, then you can get your points. You can do anything from registering for a site, to customizing your homepage with a layout, to making a blog about MetaRL, to making a video with your webcam!
  7. There is so many more ways to get points, I can't even list them all. All you have to do is go to and register (or, please, use my referral link:

Good luck in getting your points!

Here are some pictures of things from the PrizeShop:

As you can see, it is so easy to get MetaPoints and your prizes! Good luck in getting your points (and prizes...), but you won't really need it because it is SO EASY!